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ESL Release Notes

We have provided a set of modules with .pri & .pub files to assist you with writing code. There are also sample applications.

The samples are intended to demonstrate ways of using ESL to help solve your business and technical problems.


This application demonstrates the use of the new which communicates with Excel to produce documents containing barcode(s).

Beta Facilities

These are proof of concept applications which may be of interest. You must contact the Help Desk before attempting to use these facilities within a production environment.


This local application provides ESL applications with access to the DOS shell.


This stimulus library and demonstration application shows an alterative method of accessing the DOS shell, which is more robust compared to the older DOSCMD facility.


The sample demonstrates the drawing of numerous 'clip-art' style images. Each image is coded within a separate include file, so they can be freely used within your application. The ESLArt application includes the facility to re-size each image, by clicking on the image window.


A library to enable your ESL application to respond to specified keys when a dialog is being displayed.


This directory contains 4 sample programs that demonstration various techniques used when implementing an application that accesses an ODBC data source via the EDS library. Before compiling any of the samples, you must modify the code to include the name of the data source and the required credentials. EDSSAMP1 creates and displays a table, so we recommend you run this sample first, as the other samples will need to access the created table.


As an alternative to Dynamic Data Exchange, we have provided a Inter-Process Communication library, which can copy data between the ESL application and another process, which can be written in another language, include Managed Code, such as Visual Basic and C#.


This example source code for a stimulus library, demonstrates how your ESL application can react to the mouse buttons by posting the mouse message and the handle of the window that received the message.


This demonstration application shows how to use the re-written version of the Printer interface local application.


This application demonstrates the use of the Window's registry access functions contained within the EslReg library. It is recommended that your ESL applications make use of the registry to store application settings.


This sample source code for the ESLTime library, demonstrated how to write a library that interacts with the system time and returns string values to the ESL application.


A library to enable an ESL Application to access resources using standard internet protocols.


This ESL application demonstrates all the features of the help support provided with ESL, including the ability to switch help libraries at runtime. With Windows XP and 2000, it is possible to switch between WinHelp and the newer Compiled help formats.

List Box Insert

This library and application provides the ability to insert and change specified lines of text within a list box control.


To aid the development of local applications, or to explore the features of the supplied local applications. This ESL sample can be altered to provide a manual interface to any local application, although it is initially coded to interface with the ODBC local application ESLODBC.


This application demonstrates the use of external string tables, which when compiled using Microsoft's resource compiler create a library, which can be used at runtime to alter the strings displayed. External strings are typically used to change the language of the application.


This library enables an ESL Application to link List boxes so they scroll together.


This series of sample applications demonstrate the features of the Table control.


This application demonstrates how ESL can call a number of Operating System functions using the Extended Call Interface. The function prototypes and ESL code wrappers are conveniently located in the OSUTIL include file, so the demonstrated functions can be included into any ESL application.


The ESL language has the ability to interact with the Operating System and other Windows applications to pass data using an intuitive Drag and Drop front-end. This application helps demonstrate the features provided by ESL.


This basic application can be used to ensure the installation of the development tools has been completed successfully. It also demonstrates how to write a simple application to a first time ESL programmer.

If you don't understand the sample or it doesn't appear to work, please don't hesitate to contact the Customer Support Helpdesk.

As "User Account Control" restricts access to the main ESL installation directory, it is recommended that the samples are copied to a suitable directory within your accounts document space.

As some of the samples use Libraries or Local Applications which are not part of the standard ESL runtime, you must ensure that all the required Libraries or Local Applications are copied to the User's runtime installation.