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ESL Release Notes

Table Object demonstration and sample programs


Table Object demonstration program which allows access to almost all of the actions, built-ins, and responses which are supported for the table object.

 TableDemo.eal        Table Object demo

 TableDemo.dat        Initial data for demo



A simple example that supports import, export and save

 TableFile.EAL         File demo

 TableFileActions.INC  File demo actions

 TableFileTable.INC    File demo table


 TableFileInit.dat     Initial data read in - and the target for "save"

 TableFileMore.dat     The "import" file

 TableFileExpt.dat     The "export" file


A table which behaves like an advanced List box

This table can have extra hidden columns with additional info for the program and the size of the data in a table only limited by the available system memory. It is also possible to allow direct editing of cells in a table.

Be warned that a table is not a direct substitute for a List box, there are some differences in behavior and the way responses are done, so experiment with the behavior that is relevant for a particular application.

 TableListBox.eal        Example with definition of table with 1 visible column.



Table which keeps some columns fixed and allows others to scroll. This sample program shows how to have a table where the initial columns are fixed and do not scroll, but the other columns can scroll horizontally.

This is created by having two tables side-by-side. The one on the right is the master table. It has all of the data and has the scroll bars. The table on the left has duplicates of the column which are not supposed  to scroll. This sample has the code to support this arrangement.

