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ESL Documentation

Help Library Subroutines

The ESL Help Library contains the subroutines shown in the following table.

Be sure to include before using any of these.

The ESL Help Library supports WinHelp (.hlp) and HTMLHelp (.chm) help libraries. It is recommended that you use the more recent .chm format as this is more robust and has greater functionality.

To confirm that the action worked correctly, use the errorlevel Action Inquiry.

You must specify the help library using the help library declaration.

For a working example of all of the Help Library and Message Library Functions see the HelpDemo in the Samples subdirectory of your ESL installation.

See the individual subroutine descriptions in this manual for more information.

HelpDismissHelpWindow( )

HelpDisplayExtendedHelp( )

HelpDisplayHelpContents( )

HelpDisplayHelpForHelp( )

HelpDisplayHelpIndex( )

HelpDisplayHelpIndexByKeyword( )

HelpDisplayHelpPanel( )

HelpDisplayHelpPanelByKeyword( )

HelpDisplayKeysHelp( )

HelpDisplaySearchDialog( )

HelpReplaceHelpLibrary( )

These subroutines perform no action and are included for backward compatibility only.

They will be removed from future releases of ESL.

HelpReplaceHelpForHelp( )

HelpReplaceWindowTitle( )

HelpShowHelpPanelID( )