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ESL Documentation

Environment Declaration

Specify a help library name and path.

help library LIBRARY_NAME title ""


A string value representing the name(s) of the help library file(s).


A string value representing the text to appear in the help window's title bar.


Use this statement to specify the name (and path) of the help library you want used when the user requests help, and to specify the text to appear in the title bar of the help window.

This declaration cannot be used inside a response.

If a program executed with the change to program action statement has a help library declaration, the old help library is released and the help library for the new program is loaded. If the new program does not have a help library declaration, the help library from the previous program stays in effect.

You can only use one help library at a time with each ESL application program. Therefore, use the help library declaration to specify only one name (and, optionally, a path) of the help library to be used, but not the title of the help system. (If you provide a title in the help library specification, it is ignored.) The search path for the library is based on the current directory and the PATH environment variable. Similarly, HELPLIB= is not an option for the EslConfig.ini file. Use the subroutine HelpReplaceHelpLibrary( ) to switch between help libraries.

If no help library statement is found, the help system is not initialized. Help is not available even if help IDs have been defined for ESL objects.


help library "filetrans.hlp" title ""

See Also

helpid Response Inquiry Built-in Function

helpid is Attribute Definition

helpid of Object Inquiry Built-In Function

make helpid Action Statement

set keys helpid Action Statement