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ESL Documentation

Once you have opened the Variable Viewer dialog box, you can set a variable by putting its name in the Name entry field, putting a value in the Value field, selecting the type from the radio buttons, and pressing the Set push button.

The name will be there automatically if you double-clicked with the right mouse button on a name in a source view window. You can enter the name manually or select it from the drop-down list box, which contains the ten most recently used names. When you select the name from the drop-down list box, the type is set automatically.

If the name, type, or value is invalid, the value will be set to "<<error>>" and the type will be set to "Other".


1.Open the file QSD_VARS.INC.

2.Query each of the variables to check its value.

3.Change the text of WindowText2_SV.


When you start up the application again in Section 3.8, be sure to select Color ➤ Red to change the text of the primary region. The contents of WindowText2_SV are displayed.

If you have been following along with all the steps in the tutorial, the application is now stopped at a breakpoint. (You can tell because one of the source view windows shows the next line of code to be executed with yellow highlighting and the greater than (>) symbol.)

Select Debug -> Go to start the application running again. Do some variable operations while the application is running.