ESLCMSRV.INI is an ASCII text file that you can edit with any text editor or with EslIniMgr to customize the environment for a particular emulator. Its basic structure is similar to other Windows profile (.INI) files. ESLCMSRV.INI is made up of individual sections with each section separated by one or more blank lines. Each section corresponds to the setting needed for a Windows 3270 or 5250 emulator, and begins with the first name of the emulator or keyword for the emulator name which is enclosed within square brackets. Within each section are one or more lines with the following form:
Each line assigns a VALUE that you define to VARIABLE_NAME (which you cannot change). VALUE may be a numeric or string value. String values can contain embedded blanks. The assignments within each section specify the following information required by ESL for Windows 3270/5250 Support:
The filename of the HLLAPI DLL supplied by the emulator.
The type of HLLAPI protocol used; 32 for the current Enhanced structures and 16 for the older classic 16bit structures.
The method used for obtaining the window handle to the emulator window associated with the current connected session. This window handle is required by the following 3270/5250 routines:
EcsSetEmulatorWindow |
EcsEmulate |
EcsEmulateAndWatch |
The following example is a sample of the sections from the ESLCMSRV.INI file:
; This section is used if no EMUTYPE specified
WinTitle1=YOURSESSIONNAME - EXTRA!® Enterprise *$
; ESL has been tested with IBM Personal Communications for Windows, version 5.6
WinTitle1=Session ~
; ESL has been tested with My Extra! Enterprise version 7.0 (EPC) Attachment
; Be sure to set your HLLAPI session short name. To do this
; select the "Global Preferences..." item off of the "Options"
; menu. You set the "HLLAPI short name" in the "Advanced" tab.
WinTitle1= YOURSESSIONNAME - EXTRA!® Enterprise *$
; ESL has been tested with Rumba version 7.1a (NetManage)
; Be sure to set your HLLAPI session short name. To do this
; select the "API..." item off of the "Options" menu. You set
; the "Session Short Name" in the "Identification" tab.
WinTitle1= YourSessionName - RUMBA Mainframe Display *$
; ESL has been tested with BlueZone version 3.5C1 (Seagull)
; Be sure to set your HLLAPI session short name. To do this
; select the "API..." item off of the "Options" menu. You set
; the "Session Short Name" in the "Options" tab.
WinTitle1= S[1-9]? - YourSessionName - [^ ]+ - BlueZone Mainframe Display *$
The environment variable EMUTYPE can be set in your system properties. If EMUTYPE is set it must contain the emulator name that specifies a section or set of assignments within the ESLCMSRV.INI file which is to take effect when the 3270/5250 Support initializes. If the EMUTYPE is not set, then the "DEFAULT" section will be applied. EMUTYPE must match the emulator name specified within the brackets in ESLCMSRV.INI. For example, the environment setting:
calls ESLCMSRV.DLL to obtain the profile data from the assignments preceded by the line:
and to ignore assignments in the other sections.