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ESL Documentation

Invoked in:

Client or Server


This event is invoked in a client or a server whenever the DDE DLL detects an error.  In most cases, eventparam contains the conversation ID for which the error was discovered.  Sometimes, however, eventparam is 0.  This can occur when an ESL program attempted to use an invalid or nonexistent conversation ID, or attempted to call a routine that requires an ID before any conversations have been established.


Ordinarily, an application would call DDEGetErrorID and DDEGetErrorString, and report the error to the user.


Available Queries:






response to stimulus DDE DDE_ERROR

   copy eventparam to ConvID_IV

   if(not(ConvID_IV = 0)) then

      copy DDEGetErrorID(ConvID_IV) to ErrorID_IV

      copy DDEGetErrorString(ErrorID_IV) to ErrorString_SV


      copy -1 to ErrorID_IV

      copy "Null Conversation ID" to ErrorString_SV

   end if