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ESL Documentation


Return the ID of the most recent error.


DDEGetErrorID ( ConvID_IV )


ConvID_IV is an integer value representing the conversation ID assigned by the DDE DLL.


Called by client or server.  This function returns the ID of the most recent error encountered for a given conversation.  You can use the value returned by this function as an argument to DDEGetErrorString.


response to stimulus DDE DDE_ERROR

   copy eventparam to ConvID_IV

   if (not(ConvID_IV = 0)) then

          copy DDEGetErrorID(ConvID_IV) to ErrorID_IV

          copy DDEGetErrorString(ErrorID_IV) to ErrorString_SV


          copy -1 to ErrorID_IV

          copy "Null Conversation ID" to ErrorString_SV

   end if