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ESL Documentation

Action Statement

Specify a help panel for "Keys help ...".

set keys helpid to HELP_ID


A string or integer value representing the help panel identifier. This should match a help panel defined in the library specified by the help library declaration.


Use this statement to identify the help panel you want to display when the user selects "Keys help..." from a help pulldown, or when the ESL application calls the HelpDisplayKeysHelp( ) subroutine.

Use this action once in the response to start definition. You can use it later if the application needs to change the panel that is displayed when the user requests "Keys help...".

See the helpid is Attribute Definition for more information on help IDs.


Because there is no default "Keys help" panel in ESL, you must include this action statement if your application calls the HelpDisplayKeysHelp ( ) subroutine.



set keys helpid to 21

set keys helpid to "Custom Keys Help"

See Also

help library                Environment Declaration

HelpDisplayKeysHelp( )        Subroutine

helpid                        Response Inquiry Built-in Function

helpid is                        Attribute Definition

helpid of                        Object Inquiry Built-in Function

make helpid                Action Statement