Navigation: ESL Documentation > Quick Reference Guide ODBC Interface |
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Allocates memory for a connection handle and associates handle with the environment handle. |
call EDSAllocConnect(EnvironmentHandle_IV, ConnectionHandle_IV)
Allocates memory for an environment handle. |
call EDSAllocEnv(EnvironmentHandle_IV)
Allocates memory for a statement handle and associates handle with the connection handle. |
call EDSAllocStmt(ConnectionHandle_IV, StatementHandle_IV)
Associate an ESL variable with a column in a results set. |
EDSBindCol(StatementHandle_IV, ColNum_IV, VariableType_IV, Variable, MaxBytes_IV, NumBytes_IV)
Supports an iterative method required to connect to a data source. |
call EDSBrowseConnect(ConnectionHandle_IV, ConnectStringIn_SV, ConnectStringOut_SV)
Requests cancellation for an asynchronous SQL statement. |
call EDSCancel(StatementHandle_IV)
Returns descriptive information for a column in a result set. |
call EDSColAttributes(StatementHandle_IV, ColNum_IV, DescType_IV, CharOutput_SV, NumBytes_IV, IntOutput_IV)
Returns an ESL structure that contains column privileges for the specified Table. |
call EDSColumnPrivilages(StatementHandle_IV, TABLE_STR, ColName_SV, MaxRows_IV, NumRows_IV, Privilages_STR)
Returns an ESL structure that contains column information for the specified Table. |
call EDSColumns(StatementHandle_IV, TABLE_STR, ColName_SV, MaxRows_IV, NumRows_IV, ColInfo_STR)
Connect to specified database source. |
call EDSConnect(ConnectionHandle_IV, DataSourceName_SV, UserId_SV, PassWord_SV)
Gets the name and description of all available ODBC data sources. |
call EDSDataSources(EnvironmentHandle_IV, MaxRows_IV, NumRows_IV, DataSourceInfo_STR)
Frees all statement handles for the connection then closes the connection. |
call EDSDeInitConnect(ConnectionHandle_IV)
Frees all statement handles for all connections, closes the connections then frees the environment. |
call EDSDeInitEnv(EnvironmentHandle_IV)
Get column information for a specified column in a result set. |
call EDSDescribeCol(ConnectionHandle_IV, ColNum_IV, ColumnInfo_STR)
Return the description of a parameter marker associated with a prepared SQL statement. |
call EDSDescribeParam(StatementHandle_IV, ParamNum_IV, Type_IV, Length_IV, Scale_IV, Nullable_IV)
Disconnect from specified database source and returns status. |
copy EDSDisconnect(ConnectionHandle_IV) to Status_IV
Alternative to EDSConnect for database environments that require additional connection information. |
call EDSDriverConnect(ConnectionHandle_IV, Handle_IV, ConnStrIn_SV, ConnStrOut_SV, Drivercompletion_IV)
Return error or status information. |
call EDSError(EnvironmentHandle_IV, ConnectionHandle_IV, SQLState_SV, NativeErrorCode_IV, ErrorText_SV)
Execute an SQL statement immediately. |
call EDSExecDirect(StatementHandle_IV, SQLStatement_SV)
Execute a previously prepared SQL statement. |
call EDSExecute(StatementHandle_IV)
Fetches blocks of data from a Result Set. |
call EDSExtendedFetch(StatementHandle_IV, FetchType_IV, RowNumOrOffset_IV, NumRows_IV, Array_IV)
Get the next row of the result set, placing column values into previously bound variables. |
call EDSFetch(StatementHandle_IV)
Get the name(s) of the columns that comprise the foreign key(s) for a specified table. |
call EDSForeignKeys(StatementHandle_IV, PrimaryKeyTable_STR, ForeignKeyTable_STR, MaxRows_IV, NumRows_IV, ForeignKeyArray_STR)
Releases the connection handle and frees all memory associated with the handle. |
Releases the environment handle and frees all memory associated with the handle. |
Stops all processing, including closing cursor, discarding results and, optionally frees all resources, associated with handle. |
EDSFreeStmt(StatementHandle_IV, Option_IV)
Returns the current setting of a connection option. |
EDSGetConnectOption(ConnectionHandle_IV, Option_IV, TargetVariable)
Get the cursor name associated with the specified SQL statement. |
call EDSGetCursorName(StatementHandle_IV, CursorName_SV)
Returns result data for a single column in the current row. |
EDSGetData(StatementHandle_IV, ColNum_IV, ESLType_IV, TargetVariable, MaxBytes_IV, NumBytes_IV)
Returns true if a driver supports a specific ODBC function. |
call EDSGetFunctions(ConnectionHandle_IV, Function_IV, Exists_IV)
Returns information about the driver and database associated with the connection handle. |
EDSGetInfo(EDSInit, InfoType_IV, TargetVariable)
Returns current setting of a driver option. |
call EDSGetStmtOption(StatementHandle_IV, Option_IV, Value_IV)
Returns information about data types supported by the database. |
call EDSGetTypeInfo(StatementHandle_IV, SQLType_IV, MaxRows_IV, NumRows_IV, TypeArray_STR)
Allocates memory for environment, connection, statement handles and connects to data source. |
call EDSInit(EnvironmentHandle_IV, ConnectionHandle_IV, StatementHandle_IV, DataSource_SV, UserId_SV, PassWord_SV)
Determines if there are more result sets available and and initializes processing. |
call EDSMoreResults(StatementHandle_IV)
Returns the exact string that the database environment processed. |
call EDSNativeSql(ConnectionHandle_IV, SqlstmtIn_SV, SqlstmtOut_SV,)
Returns the number of parameters in a SQL statement. |
call EDSNumParams(StatementHandle_IV, NumParams_IV)
Returns the number of columns in a result set. |
call EDSNumResultCols(StatementHandle_IV, NumColumns_IV)
Used in conjunction with EDSPutData to send large data values to a server. |
EDSParamData(StatementHandle_IV, SourceVariable)
Allows an application to specify multiple values for the set of parameters assigned by EDSSetParam. |
call EDSParamOptions(StatementHandle_IV, ValueCount_IV, ValueIndex_IV)
Prepares an SQL string for execution. |
call EDSPrepare(StatementHandle_IV, SQLStatement_SV)
Get the name(s) of the columns that make up the the primary key for a specified table. |
call EDSPrimaryKeys(StatementHandle_IV, Table_STR, MaxRows_IV, NumRows_IV, PrimaryKeyArray_STR)
Returns the list of input and output parameters for the specified procedure column. |
call EDSProcedureColumns(StatementHandle_IV, Table_STR, ColumnName_SV, MaxRows_IV, NumRows_IV, ProcCol_STR)
Returns the list of procedure names stored in a specific data source. |
call EDSProcedures(StatementHandle_IV, Table_STR, MaxRows_IV, NumRows_IV, ProcCol_STR)
Send row data that corresponds to the current large data value parameter as indicated by a call to EDSExecute or EDSExecDirect. |
EDSPutData(StatementHandle_IV, ParamNum_IV, SourceVariable, ValueMax_IV)
Returns true if the specified bit is set in the value. |
EDSQueryBitmask(Value_IV, BitFlag_IV)
Returns the Message Text associated with an internal EDS error (i.e. errorlevel <= EDS_INTERNAL_ERROR_START). |
call EDSQueryInternalError(ErrorNum_IV, MessageText_SV)
Return the number of rows modified by an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE SQL Statement. |
call EDSRowCount(StatementHandle_IV, NumRows_IV)
Sets options that control aspects of connections. |
EDSSetConnectOption(ConnectionHandle_IV, Option_IV, OptionVariable)
Associate a cursor name with an active SQL statement. |
call EDSSetCursorName(StatementHandle_IV, CursorName_SV)
Allows the ESL to specify; storage, data type, length, and storage location for a parameter marker in an SQL statement. |
EDSSetParam(StatementHandle_IV, ParmNum_IV, ESLType_IV, DBType_IV, Length_IV, Scale_IV, SourceVarible, Option_IV)
Positions a cursor within a fetched block of data. |
call EDSSetPos(StatementHandle_IV, RowNum_IV, Refresh_IV, Lock_IV)
Sets options that control the behaviour of cursors for an active SQL Statement. |
call EDSSetScrollOptions(StatementHandle_IV, Concurrency_IV, KeySet_IV, RowSet_IV)
Sets options related to an SQL Statement. |
call EDSSetStmtOption(StatementHandle_IV, Option_IV, Value_IV)
Retrieves about columns within a specified table. |
call EDSSpecialColumns(StatementHandle_IV, Type_IV, Table_STR, Scope_IV, Nullable_IV, MaxRows_IV, NumRows_IV, SpecialColsArray_STR)
Associate all columns in a result set with an ESL Structure. |
EDSStaticBind(StatementHandle_IV, StructureType_IV, StructureToBind)
Retrieves statistics about a table and about the indexes associated with the table. |
call EDSStatistics(StatementHandle_IV, Table_STR, Unique_IV, Accuracy_IV, MaxRows_IV, NumRows_IV, StatisticsArray_STR)
Output the word integer value to a file. |
call EDSTablePrivileges(StatementHandle_IV, Table_STR, MaxRows_IV, NumRows_IV, PrivilageArray_STR)
Returns a list of table names in a specific database. |
call EDSTables(StatementHandle_IV, Table_STR, MaxRows_IV, NumRows_IV, TableArray_STR)
Requests a commit or rollback operation for all; UPDATE, INSERT & DELETE transactions. |
call EDSTransact(EnvironmentHandle_IV, ConnectionHandle_IV, Type_IV)