Navigation: ESL Documentation > Quick Reference Guide
Retrieve the state of the status indicator.
call EcsCheckIndicator(Indicator_IV, State_IV)
Reset the watch command string.
call EcsClearWatch(WatchCommand_SV)
Connect to the Emulator Session specified by the single character short session name.
call EcsConnect(ShortSessionName_SV)
Disconnect the current Emulator Session.
call EcsDisconnect()
Displays the current Emulator window and signals the ESL application when the Emulator is minimized.
call EcsDoEmulate()
Displays the current Emulator window and signals the ESL application when a known host screen is displayed on the Emulator.
call EcsDoEmulateAndWatch(ScreenIDFile_SV, ScreenName_SV)
Displays the current Emulator window and suspend the ESL application until the Emulator is minimized.
call EcsEmulate()
Displays the current Emulator window and suspend the ESL application until the Emulator screen is recognised.
call EcsEmulateAndWatch(ScreenIdFile_SV, ScreenId_SV)
Type the specified string into the current Emulator session then press the enter key.
call EcsEnterString(Input_SV)
Retrieve the specified area of the current Emulator screen including the color attributes.
call EcsGetColoredScreen(Top_IV,
Get the short session name for the currently connected Emulator session.
call EcsGetCurrentSession(ShortSessionName_SV)
Get the co-ordinates of the input cursor for the current Emulator session.
call EcsGetCursorPosition(Row_IV, Column_IV)
Retrieve the text associated with an error level.
call EcsGetError(ErrorLevel_IV, ErrorText_SV)
Retrieve the state of a specified attribute for a field.
call EcsGetFieldAttribute(FieldNumber_IV,
Retrieve the number of fields present on the current Emulator screen.
call EcsGetFieldCount(FieldCount_IV)
Retrieve the length of the specified field on the current Emulator screen.
call EcsGetFieldLength(FieldNumber_IV, Length_IV)
Retrieve the number of the field at the specified co-ordinate on the current Emulator screen.
call EcsGetFieldNumber(Row_IV,
Retrieve the start co-ordinates of the specified field on the current Emulator screen.
call EcsGetFieldPosition(FieldNumber_IV,
Retrieve the type for the field specified.
call EcsGetFieldType(FieldNumber_IV, Tpe_IV)
Returns the row number of the last non-blank line at or above the starting line.
call EcsGetLastNonBlankLineNumber(StartRow_IV, Row_IV)
Returns the row number of the last apparently non-blank line.
call EcsGetLastVisibleNonBlankLineNumber(Row_IV)
Retrieve the specified area of the current Emulator screen without the color attributes.
call EcsGetScreen(Top_IV,
Determine the Emulator type and dimensions for the specified session.
call EcsGetSessionInfo(ShortSessionName_SV,
Retrieve the value of the current session's status indicator.
call EcsGetSessionStatus(SessionStatus_IV)
Retrieve the visible fields within the specified area of the current Emulator screen.
call EcsGetVisibleScreen(Top_IV,
Initializes the Communication Server stimulus library and loads the configuration settings and specified ELLHAPI library.
Send an Enter key press message to the current Emulator screen.
call EcsPressENTER()
Send the specified key press message to the current Emulator screen.
call EcsPressKey(KeyCode_IV)
Unloads the current ELLHAPI library, then reloads the settings and library.
call EcsReStart(ErrorLevel_IV)
Copies the specified area of the current Emulator screen into a colored textual region.
call EcsReadColoredScreen(Top_IV,
Retrieve the content of a specified field.
call EcsReadField(FieldNumber_IV, FieldContent_SV)
Retrieve the content of a specified field using the co-ordinates.
call EcsReadFieldRowCol(Row_IV,
Retrieve the content of a specified row in the current Emulator screen.
call EcsReadLine(Row_IV, LineContent_SV)
Copies the specified area of the current Emulator screen into a textual region.
call EcsReadScreen(Top_IV,
Copies the visible fields from a specified area of the current Emulator screen into a textual region.
call EcsReadVisibleScreen(Top_IV,
call EcsSendKey(KeyCode_IV)
Sets or reset the facility to automatically wait when a key is pressed.
call EcsSetAutoWait(AutoWaitFlag_IV)
Sets the state of the current Emulator Window.
call EcsSetEmulatorWindow(Command_IV)
Sets the errorlevel pseudo variable.
call EcsSetError(ErrorLevel_IV)
Unloads the current ELLHAPI library and resets the configuration settings.
Sends the specified string to the Emulator session.
call EcsTypeString(Input_SV)
Executes a previously specified watch commands on the current Emulator session.
call EcsWatch(TimeLimit_IV, WatchCommands_SV)
Suspends the ESL Application until the watch commands are processed, or the time limit reached.
call EcsWatchAndWait(TimeLimit_IV,
Add a command to watch for the cursor to be at a specified position on the current Emulator screen.
call EcsWatchForCursorAt(Row_IV,
Add a command to watch for the cursor to not be at a specified position on the current Emulator screen.
call EcsWatchForCursorNotAt(Row_IV,
Add a command to watch for the input inhibitor to be off on the current Emulator screen.
call EcsWatchForIIOff(SettleTime_IV,
Add a command to watch for the current Emulator screen to change to the specified size.
call EcsWatchForScreenSize(Rows_IV,
Add a command to watch for a specified string to appear on the current Emulator screen.
call EcsWatchForStringAt(Rows_IV,
Add a command to watch for a specified string to disappear on the current Emulator screen.
call EcsWatchForStringNotAt(Rows_IV,
Send the specified string to a field on the current Emulator screen.
call EcsWriteField(FieldNumber_IV,
Send the specified string to a field, using co-ordinate, on the current Emulator screen.
call EcsWriteFieldRowCol(Row_IV,
Determines whether the previous external subroutine completed without errors.
call ErrorHandler(NoError_BV, ErrorLevel_IV)