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ESL Documentation

This window is used to edit the setting of the non-standard EHLLAPI function, which will retrieve the Handle of the Window for the currently connected Terminal Emulator session. This non-standard function is not available in all Emulator packages, so you must review the supplied documentation for the package vendor:


This set of values is an alternative to the "WinTitle" settings. If both "WinTitle" and "HLLAPI Function" settings are specified, then this "HLLAPI Function" will be used.

As the HLLAPI function has a number of inter-related settings, all the values are inserted or edited within this single window, regardless of which "WinHandle" is selected. If the "Delete" button is used, then all the "WinHandle" setting with the current section of the EslCMSrv configuration will be removed.

The following parameters can be amended with this dialog:

Function Number

The sub-function number required by the Emulator package. As the function is a non-standard function, this number cannot be any of the standard sub-function numbers (i.e. 1 - 255).

Data Length

If no other parameters are specified, ESL will assume the Window Handle is returned in the "Data Length" argument of the EHLLAPI call.

Return Code

If set, ESL will take the Return Code argument as the Window Handle.


When an offset is to be used, ESL will pass a buffer address to the EHLLAPI function, which is be long enough to contain the Window Handle (4 bytes), plus the offset that is specified. The Length of the buffer must also be specified.

Input Data

If required by the Emulator package, this parameter allows individual bytes to be specified as a list of numbers. Each number must be between 0 and 255, using a comma and/or space separator. An "S" character is used to specify the current short-session name character. When input data is required, the buffer length should be equal to, or greater than the length of the data, otherwise excess data will be truncated.

If the specified data buffer length is too short for either the Input Data or the Offset (plus Window Handle length), then the manager will offer to correct the value.