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ESL Documentation

A table object is a control that may be a child of a dialog region or dialog box. To create a table, you use the table object definition statement. With this statement, you first define the basic table attributes, then the columns in the table, and, finally the data in the rows. Once you have provided the basic definitions, you can then change most of them dynamically.


Following is an example of the definition of a simple table containing two columns and two rows:


table Simple_TBL

 size 160 80 at 10 10 in Parent_DR

    insert string column heading is "String"

    insert integer column heading is "Integer"

    insert row values "Simple Table", 1

    insert row values "Another Row", 2


The following code illustrates the creation of a more complex table for an automobile dealership application. Note how it defines the basic attributes of the table, then the specific attributes of four columns (Make, Model, Year, and Price).


visible editable table CarLot_TBL

  size 250 100 at 10 10 in LotParent_DR

  parameter is "Sales"

  helpid is BeyondHelp

  horizontal scroll bar

  vertical scroll bar

  column delimiter is csv


  column headings text

  no column selection

  resizeable columns


  row headings blank

  multiple row selection


  insert string column Make

    width is 60

    text size 15

    left align

    heading is "Make of car"


  insert string column Model

    width is 70

    text size 20

    left align

    heading is "Model"


  insert integer column Year

    width is 30

    center align

    heading is "Year"


  insert float column Price

    width is 60

    right align

    heading is "Asking Price"

    format is "($#,##0.00)"


  insert row file "Picture11-11.txt" # in CSV format


You can also add a table at runtime by using the add action statement with the same kind of definition as for a statically defined table. You can then use add to TABLE ... insert action statements to dynamically put columns and rows into the table.


The following table summarizes the attributes you can give to a table. You cannot change the attributes marked with an asterisk (*) after the table is created. See the description of the table object definition for complete details.





The ancestry of the table object.


Background color of the table.

column delimiter is

The format used when converting rows to and from text strings or files.

column grid

Visibility of grid lines between each column.

column headings*

The heading label at the top of each column. (If defined with column headings text, the text may be changed at runtime, but the type of column headings cannot be changed.)

column selection*

The ability of users to select multiple columns, only a single column at a time, or no columns. Either column or row selection is allowed, but not both.

edit key

The key used to start editing in a table (the default is F2).


Values in editable tables can be edited. When a table is read-only, the end user cannot modify any part of the table, although the program can still change it directly.


Enable or disable the table.


The font for the headings and cell contents.


Foreground color of the table.


The group to which the table belongs within the dialog box or region.


The help panel identifier.

horizontal scroll bar*

Add a horizontal scroll bar.


The parameter string, if any, for the table.


The position of the table, in dialog units in the parent region.

resizeable columns

The ability of users to directly change the size of any column.

row delimiter is

The format used when converting multiple rows to and from text strings.

row headings*

The heading label at the left of every row.

row grid

Visibility of grid lines between rows.

row selection*

The ability of users to select multiple rows, only a single row at a time, or no rows. Either row or column selection are allowed, but not both.


The size of the table, in dialog units. This includes the size of scroll bars, when they are displayed.

vertical scroll bar*

Enable the vertical scroll bar.


Visible tables are shown, invisible ones are hidden.

width is

The width of the row heading.