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How the User Invokes Help in ESL

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The user can invoke help by using any of the following methods:

Selecting from a standard help pull-down, defined by the ESL application.

Pressing F1 when an ESL region or dialog control has the focus, or when a pull-down item is highlighted. The only way to get help for a pull-down item is to press F1.

Pressing a help push button in a dialog box, dialog region, or message box defined by your application.

Pressing a help button in an action bar defined by the ESL application.

When the user presses F1, a help push button, or a help button, help is displayed for the control or region with the focus, or for the selected menu item. If the application does not have a specific help topic for the object or item, the extended help topic for the current frame region is displayed.

Help is displayed by Windows Help in a new window that is positioned next to the application. From the Help window, the user can navigate through the available help topics using the Help window action bar. The user can also switch back and forth between the Help window and the application window without closing the Help window.