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ESL Documentation

Select Debug -> Step to execute a line of source. QuikStep displays the source file where the code is executed.

If you are starting your application, the first step executes all of the internal startup code that happens just prior to the response to start for the entire application. If you have a response to start, the runtime stops just prior to executing the first action of the response to start. If there is no response to start, the runtime stops on the first action statement of the first response that is triggered.

QuikStep indicates the next line to be executed by highlighting that line of source in yellow. It also puts a greater-than character (>) in the first column of the display.

Note: If you step beyond the end of a response and no other responses are currently triggered, the indicator for the next line of code to be executed disappears until some event causes a response to be taken.


1. Select Debug -> Step once (or click on DebugStepBut). The first action statement after response to start in QSD_RESP.INC is highlighted.

2. Select Debug -> Step again. You are in QSD_ACTS.INC about to execute the first line of the response DoLogMsg.