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ESL Release Notes

During the installation of the ESL Development Tools, several file types are defined to Windows to allow you to; Edit, Compile and Run your ESL application through Windows Explorer;

File Extension


Opens With


ESL Application Source



ESL Source Include

ESL Edit


ESL Application



ESL QuikStep Project



ESL Errorlog

ESL Edit


ESL Message Input

ESL Message Manager


ESL Message Output

Used by ESL Runtime & Compiler


Configuration Settings

ESL Edit


SQL Application Module



SQL Query File (ODBC)

*SQL Wizard (ODBC version)


SQL Query File (DB2)

*SQL Wizard (DB2 version)

To perform the default action, merely double click on the file. To view all possible actions, right-hand click, then select the required action from the pop-up menu.

You may also continue to compile and run your ESL applications from a command prompt using ESLRUN.EXE and EPARSE.EXE or by using the Development Tools QuikStep and Esl Edit.

(Note. * SQL Wizard has to be opened from the Windows Start Menu or EslEdit, then the SQO or SQD Query File can be loaded.)