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ESL Release Notes

The ESLAPPC library uses INI files to communicate configuration information between the ESL Application and the server executables (ESLAPPCI.exe and ESLAPPCA.exe). As INI files are stored by default in the System Root directory, typically C:\Windows, this presents a security issue when using a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (e.g. Citrix or Terminal Services), where access to the System Root is restricted.

To overcome this issue, Microsoft have provided a facility, known as "INI File Mapping", that removes the need of the INI files by storing the information in the Windows Registry. Whilst Microsoft provides detailed instructions on "INI File Mapping" (search for the System API "WritePrivateProfileString"), any ESL customer wishing to use APPC within a Virtual Desktop, must implement the following:


1.Using RegEdit create a Registry Key entry for the type of APPC conversation:

a.ESLAPPCI.INI for Initiators,

b.ESLAPPCA.INI for acceptors.
(Note. The Registry Keys are case sensitive, so the key must be exactly as shown above.)

2.The registry key(s) must be created under:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE<b>SOFTWARE<b>Microsoft<b>Windows NT<b>CurrentVersion<b>IniFileMapping

3.For each Profile Name, create a string value (i.e. REG_SZ) using the Profile Name as the “Value Name”.

4.The string value for each Profile must “point” to where the actual value to each APPC setting is to be stored in the registry, which must be in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER section, as the profile data is unique to each User. Technically, any location under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER section is usable, providing it is unique; however, we would recommend the key is:
USR:ESLAPPCI\{Profile Name} or
USR:ESLAPPCA\{Profile Name}
Where {Profile Name} is the APPC profile name. The “USR:” prefix indicates the key is under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER.

5.As a starting point, create the top-level key under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER section, e.g.

6.Once the registry keys have been created, the workstation must be re-booted to ensure the Mapping Entries are read into Windows Shared memory.