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WHENEVER Processing Group Box

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The WHENEVER Processing group box is in the Code Generation-Statement Options dialog box.

Use this group box to override the default WHENEVER processing for the SQL Access Module (SAM), which you can set by selecting SQL Access Module>Options>Code generation.

Use Default

When checked, DB/Assist uses the SAM default WHENEVER processing, specified in the Code Generation Options dialog box. Uncheck to change the settings for this statement.


Identifies any condition that results in a negative SQL return code. The default action routine for the SAM is EDB2WheneverError, with the Continue box unchecked.


Identifies any condition that results in a warning condition (SQLWARN0 is 'W'), or that results in a positive SQL return code other than +100.


Identifies any condition that results in a SQL return code of +100.


If checked, causes the next sequential instruction of the EASEL program to be executed when the identified type of exception condition exists. Checking Continue directs your program to ignore the exception condition. Disables the Action field.


Causes control to pass to the EASEL action routine specified in the entry field. Disabled if the Continue box is checked.

The WHENEVER processing specified in this dialog box will apply to this SQL statement only