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ESL Documentation

To your end-users, a table object is similar to a list of database records or a very simple spreadsheet.


Following is a list of features of a table object's appearance. You can control all of these through your ESL program.


You can make horizontal and vertical grid lines visible or invisible.

You can include horizontal and vertical scroll bars.

Column headings may contain the column number, column letter or heading text, or they may be hidden.

Row headings may contain the row number or be blank, or they may be hidden.

Users can select one or more columns or rows (but not both) in a given table either via keystrokes or by using a column or row heading as a pushbutton.

Users can specify user-definable, variable-width columns.

Cells (the intersection of each row and column) can each contain one data value or a single line of text.

Users can edit the contents of a cell in-place.

You can specify various kinds of data types (text, number, boolean) and formatting for columns of data.

The decimal and thousands separators used for the display and input of numeric data are those currently set at the operating system level, as required by international users.

Only the last column or last row displayed in the table is clipped, the others are fully displayed.

When scrolling, tables always move by full rows or columns.


The following sections describe the operations that table objects provide for navigating in a table, selecting rows and columns, and initiating the editing of a cell. Through the use of menus, other controls in the dialog box or dialog region, and responses, your ESL application can modify these behaviors and add other functionality you desire.