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ESL Documentation

When your data is stored in an external format for which ESL does not provide a default conversion, you must specify the name of your own external conversion routine. The routine must reside in a DLL. You specify a quoted string containing the name of the DLL file, a period, and the name of the external conversion routine as exported by the definition file for the DLL. For example:


# This is an example of a standard COBOL record.


#        01 RECORD-1.

#           05 INITIALS           PIC XX.

#           05 FULLNAME           PIC X(25)

#           05 SALARY             PIC S9(4)V99.

#           05 AGE                PIC9(7) COMP-5.

# This is the EASEL structure that corresponds to

# the COBOL record:


structure CobolRec is

    string Initials using external size 2


    string FullName using external size 25


    string Salary using external size 6 format "6V2"


    string Age using external size 4 "ESLCOB.COB_COMP5"

end structure


In this example, all fields are stored in COBOL string format. The specified external conversion routines ESLCOB.COB_PICX, ESLCOB.COB-PICS9, and ESLCOB.COB_COMP5 convert a COBOL data type to an ESL data type, and vice versa.


# This is an example of a standard C structure:


# struct Employee {

#          char   Initials[3];

#          char   Fullname[26];

#          float  Salary;       /* a C float is 4 bytes*/

#          short  Age;          /* a C short is 2 bytes*/

#                 };        

# This is the EASEL structure that corresponds

# to the C structure:


structure CStruct is

     string Initials using external size 3


     string FullName using external size 26


     float Salary using external size 4 "ESLC.C_FLOAT"

     integer Age using external size 2 "ESLC.C_INT"

end structure


# Because float and short are standard C data types, the

# following structure definition is also acceptable:


structure AnotherCStruct is

     string Initials using external size 3


     string FullName using external size 26


     float Salary using float size 4

     integer Age using integer size 2

end structure


The specified external conversion routines ESLC.C_STRING, ESLC.C_FLOAT, and ESLC.C_INT convert a C data type to an ESL data type, and vice versa.