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ESL Documentation

function OS_QueryMilliseconds()


returns the number of milliseconds since the machine/operating system was started.  

Depending on hardware, may only be accurate to 1/60 sec.



subroutine OS_QueryEnvironment(string: Environment_String)


Returns a \n delimited string of environment variables and their values



subroutine OS_ObjectFromHandle(integer: Handle, string: Object_Name)


Converts handles to object names for ***visible*** ESL objects.

Returns "" if not an ESL object or the object is not visble.



subroutine OS_MLEF_ReadOnly(string: MLEF_Name,

                            boolean: Read_Only)


Makes a multiline entry field read only if Read_Only is true, makes it editable if Read_Only is false.



subroutine OS_GetTextWidth(string: Control_Name,

                           string: Text,

                           integer: Width)


Returns the width (in dialog units)of the Text string  using the font settings of the named control.

Returns -1 in case of error.