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Compile Choice (SQL Access Module)

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Compile choice Use this choice to compile the SQL Access Module (SAM).

After you complete this dialog box, DB/Assist performs the following actions:

Verifies the SAM. This is the same function that is performed by selecting SQL Access Module> Verify

Generates EASEL action routines for each valid SQL statement in the SAM.

Compiles the generated EASEL action routines into a file that you specify.

Creates a bind file for the SAM and, if checked in the Bind Options dialog box, a database access package.

During the compile process, a Log window appears.

If there are variables that do not have types, the Assign Variable Types dialog box appears. Use this dialog box to assign types to variables you created in the SQL Editor window.

After you complete the Assign Variable Types dialog box, the compile continues.

Check the Status Area and the Log window for information about the compile.

If errors are encountered:

DB/Assist creates a bind file for those statements whose action routines were generated.

DB/Assist does not create a bind file if none of the SAM statements compiled.