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ESL Documentation

To set non-default values for bind file options that apply to the entire SAM, you must complete the Bind Options dialog box, as shown below.


Bind Options Dialog Box

Default Values

The Bind Options dialog box specifies options for the creation of a bind file and, optionally, an access package for the entire SAM The following table briefly describes the options in the Bind Options dialog box and lists their default values.

For complete information about each option, use the Help Button on the dialog to display the DB/Assist help file topic for the Bind options.



Default Value

Bind Filename

Creates a bind file with the  specified name and .BND extension.This is a required option.

SAM name with .BND extension

Create Package

Creates a database access package with the specified name.

We recommend that you leave this option checked to create a package. Otherwise, you will have to manually bind the bind file to the target database.

For more information, see the Creating a Package section following this table.

Checked; same as SAM name

MIA Standards Compliance

Specifies the standards compliance level requested.


Isolation Level

Determines how data is locked or isolated from other processes while data is being accessed.

Cursor stability

Date/Time Format

Determines the date and time format used when date/time fields are assigned to string representations.


Blocking Options

Specifies which record blocking
to use and how to treat ambiguous cursors.


Setting Non-Default Values

To set non-default values for bind options in DB/Assist, follow these steps:

1.Select SQL Access Module Ø Options Ø Bind. The Bind Options dialog box appears, as shown above.

2.Select the options that you want.

3.Select the OK push button.

DB/Assist sets the selected options and applies them when you compile the current SAM.

Creating a Package

If any other ESL application is currently using the database access package, you will be unable to create the package when you compile the SAM in DB/Assist. This is because the compile process waits until it can get exclusive use of the package.

If this situation occurs, close the ESL application that is using the package. DB/Assist will then continue the compile process.