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The Table and Result Options dialog box in DB/Assist enables you to set display options for Table Lists and the Result Set window. Below shows the Table and Result Options dialog box with default values:


Table and Result Options Dialog Box

You can set the following options in this dialog box:

Limiting Table Lists in the statement construction dialog boxes to a specific creator

Viewing or not viewing system tables

Specifying the maximum number of rows in the Result Set window

Use the Creator drop-down list to specify which tables and views should appear in the Table list boxes. You can select ALL to specify that the names of all tables and views in the current database should appear. Alternately, you can select a specific creator to see only the names of tables and views defined by a specific creator.

The default value for Creator is your DB2 user ID. This means that the only tables and views that appear by default in the Table lists are those created by the specified user ID.

You can only build and run statements that use tables whose creator matches your user ID. Therefore, you should log on to DB2 with the same user ID as the creator of these tables.

Use the No System Tables check box to specify whether or not system tables should appear in the Table list boxes. System tables are the set of catalog tables in DB2 qualified by the person who has SYSIBM authorization.

No System Tables is checked by default. This means that, by default, no system tables appear in the Table list box

Use the Maximum Rows entry field to specify the maximum number of rows that DB/Assist should display in the Result Set window when you run a SELECT statement.

The default value for Maximum Rows is 100. This means that, by default, DB/Assist can display a maximum of 100 rows in the Result Set window.

You can specify any number of rows in the Maximum Rows entry field. However, keep in mind that the larger your result set, the longer it may take DB/Assist to display the result set.

To set options in the Table and Result Options dialog box at any time during a DB/Assist session, follow these steps.

1.Select Options Ø Table and results. The Table and Result Options dialog box appears.

2.If you want to limit or extend the Table Lists, use the Creator drop-down list, as follows:

To see only those tables defined by a specific creator in the Table Lists, select the name of that creator from the Creator drop-down list.

To see all of the tables and views in the Table Lists, select ALL from the Creator drop-down list.

1.If you want to see system tables included in the Table Lists, uncheck the No System Tables box If you do not want to see system tables in the Table List, leave the No System Tables box checked.

2.If you want to change the maximum number of rows in the Result Set window, type a new value in the Maximum Rows entry field.

3.Select the OK push button.

The next time you open a statement construction dialog box or display the Result Set window during the current DB/Assist session, the settings you specified in the Table and Result Options dialog box will be in effect.