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ESL Documentation

FILEIO Subroutine

Output the variables specified by a record definition to a file.



An integer variable for the file id.


The name of the source record.


This output subroutine allows you to create an ASCII or EBCDIC file on disk from a record.

WriteRecord( ) assembles the output line(s) in its buffer and then, for the sake of efficiency, outputs the buffer to disk at one time. Therefore, adequate buffer size is essential. A 1K buffer is the default, but the buffer size can be adjusted. If the buffer size is not large enough for all the fields of a record to fit evenly, the buffer is repeatedly increased to the next larger 1K increment until they fit.



Bad field in a record (must be integer, float, or string).


Internal buffer too small. Although an attempt was made to increase the buffer's size to fit in a single line, system memory ran out before the current line could be accommodated. Make sure lines are terminated by a carriage return (\r) or newline (\n); otherwise, the entire file is interpreted as one line.


Disk has no more space for writing. The disk to which the file is being written is full.


Invalid file handle--internal error. Unlikely error. Contact your support representative.


File locked by another program.


Current line exceeded buffer size. Although an attempt was made to increase the buffer's size to fit in a complete line, system memory ran out before the current line could be accommodated. Make sure lines are terminated by a carriage return (\r) or newline (\n); otherwise the entire file is interpreted as one line.


String length exceeded 64K. Unlikely error. Contact your support representative.


File has not been opened. A file must be opened before a read attempt is made.


Writing to file open for reading only.


Wrong number of array subscripts. The array referenced in the record has more dimensions than the number of subscripts specified.


Array subscript out of range. One array subscript in the record is greater than the highest allowable subscript for that dimension.


Write access violation. Should never happen during output.


Unknown write error occurred.


integer FileID_IV

string FileNameOut_SV is "myfile.txt"

string FileMode_SV

string Source_SV is "This is a string."

string Line_SV is "This is a line."

string NewLine_SV is "\n"

record Out_Rec is

filler 10

Line 80

NewLine 1

end record

include ""


# To be brief, error handling is omitted

response to line "Open Myfile" from keyboard

 copy "w" to FileMode_SV

 call OpenFile ( FileID_IV, FileNameOut_SV, FileMode_SV )


response to line "Close Myfile" from keyboard

 call CloseFile ( FileID_IV )


response to line "Write String" from keyboard

 call WriteString ( FileID_IV, Source_SV )


response to line "Write Record" from keyboard

 call WriteRecord ( FileID_IV, Out_Rec )