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ESL Documentation

Drawing Statement

Draw a wedge in a graphical object.

[solid] [[color] COLOR] wedge

[radius] RADIUS from DEG1 degrees to DEG2 degrees


Fill the wedge with the wedge's color. If you do not specify solid, ESL draws only the wedge's perimeter (outline).

color COLOR

A color keyword, a string value representing a color keyword, or an integer value representing a color number corresponding to a color available on your system.

radius RADIUS

An integer value representing the radius of the wedge.


An integer value representing the absolute starting and stopping angles (degrees) of the wedge, respectively.

The values are expressed in the coordinate system of the object in which the wedge is being drawn.


Use this statement to draw a wedge in a graphical object, such as a pie chart.

ESL draws the wedge starting at the current position of the graphics cursor. (This is the center of the circle of which the wedge is a part.) The final position of the graphics cursor is the same as its initial position, and the text cursor is moved to that position.

A wedge cannot be specified within a boundary statement.

If you do not specify a color, the wedge will be drawn in the color specified in a pattern reference, object definition, or other statements that would affect the wedge.


key Steady_Key at position 10 10

wedge radius 100 from 5 degrees to 90 degrees

disabled key Timer_Key at position 50 75

solid color 5 wedge radius 30

from 3 degrees to 40 degrees