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ESL Documentation

Attribute Definitions

Define an object as visible or invisible.



The visibility specification must appear within the object definition. All objects are visible by default.

If you define an object as invisible, it is not drawn. If you define an object as visible, it can be seen, except under the following conditions:

If any of its ancestors are invisible.

If its position is outside the boundaries of the screen.

If it is the child of a graphical or image region, and it is outside the boundaries of the window size specified for the region.

Making a modal dialog box visible disables the currently active region until the dialog box is made invisible or deleted.

Unpredictable results may occur when you change the visibility of dialog control objects.

If an object is invisible, it cannot be selected even if it is enabled.



visible key List_KEY at position 20 50


invisible textual region Holder_TR size 20 20

 at position 100 100

See Also

make invisible and make visible Action Statements

make permanent and make temporary Action Statements

visibility of Object Inquiry Built-in Function