Call EDSFreeStmt to free resources associated with a statement handle. EDSFreeStmt has four options:
•EDS_CLOSE closes the cursor, if one exists, and discards pending results. The application can use the statement handle again later.
•EDS_DROP closes the cursor if one exists, discards pending results, and frees all resources associated with the statement handle.
•EDS_UNBIND releases all return variables bound by EDSBindCol for the statement handle.
•EDS_RESET_PARAMS releases all parameter buffers requested by EDSSetParam for the statement handle.
Asynchronous Requests
To cancel a statement that is executing asynchronously, you must:
1.Call EDSCancel.
2.Call the command that was executing the statement asynchronously. After the statement has been cancelled, the command returns EDS_ERROR.
3.Call EDSError. If the driver successfully cancelled the command, the SQLSTATE will be S1008 (Operation cancelled).