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ESL Documentation

In addition to the commands that are also available for accessing DB/2, SQL Server, and Sybase databases, ESL's ODBC support includes batch commands that access ODBC prepare then execute functions, cross-platform catalogue and transaction functions.

The batch commands facilitate the repetitive processing of an SQL statement with different values without having to continually parse and compile. They allow your application to select, update, insert or delete rows in an SQL table by preparing an SQL statement with placeholders, then executing the statement by replacing the placeholders with different values. Compared to sending individual SQL statements sequentially, these commands can enhance performance, as the SQL statement is only transmitted and prepared once. You may find these commands useful in transaction processing applications where performance is critical. The ODBC batch commands work in a similar method to ORACLE's array functions.

The cross-platform catalogue and transaction commands allow your application to be migrated between difference Database Management Systems without the need for coding changes caused by differences in the table structures, column names etc.




Batch command that transfers buffered variables and executes the previously prepared SQL statement


Batch command to define the SQL SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or  DELETE statement to be prepared then executed in subsequent aexec command, once the variables have been assigned.


Configuration command to control the commit mode.


Batch command to provide data values for use with an SQL statement previously specified in an astmt command.


Catalogue function to return a list of columns within a table.


Action all pending changes to the database.


Catalogue function to provide a list of ODBC datasources that have be configured for the User.


Catalogue function to return the foreign keys that connect tables.


Catalogue function to provide information about the indexes associated with a table.


Catalogue function to return the primary keys for a table.


Back-out all pending changes to the database.


Returns the number of rows affected by the previous, UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE SQL Statement.


Catalogue function to list objects, principally tables, within a data source connection.