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ESL Documentation

The initial design for these functions was to remove the need for individual initialization file, so ESL application settings could be store and retrieved from the Windows Registry. As the ESLReg library is a comparatively new library, we are keen to enhance its facilities, therefore we welcome any suggested improvements. All comments and suggestions should be emailed to the ESL Help Desk.

The functions are summarized in the following table:


OpenReg( )

Open a Windows Registry key in a specified mode (Read or Write)

CloseReg( )

Closes a previously opened Registry key.

ReadRegNumber( )

Reads an integer from a Registry key.

ReadRegString( )

Reads a string or binary value from a Registry key.

WriteRegBinary( )

Updates or Creates a binary value in the Registry.

WriteRegNumber( )

Updates or Creates a numeric value in the Registry.

WriteRegString( )

Updates or Creates a string value in the Registry.

DeleteRegValue( )

Removes the specified Registry key.

Be sure to include before using any of these routines.

See the individual function descriptions for more information.