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Define an action bar template. |
action bar AB_NAME is [PULLDOWN_DEF_OR_REF] ... [BUTTON_DEF_OR_REF] ... end action bar
Group a set of action statements into an action routine. action ROUTINE_NAME is ACTION_STATEMENT [ACTION_STATEMENT]...
Declare a local or remote application for use in an ESL program. application APP_NAME
Specify a block of text in a textual region. block [column] COL_NO [line] line_NO [thru [column] COL_NO [line] line_NO]
Define an action bar button item. button BUTTON_NAME text BUTTON_TEXT [accelerator is [ [control|alt|shift] [control|alt|shift]... ] ACCEL_KEY ] [parameter is PAR_STRING] [helpid is HELP_ID]
Define a check box. [enabled|disabled] [visible|invisible] [[color] COLOR ] [checked] check box CB_NAME size WIDTH HEIGHT at [position] X Y in DB_NAME [[color] COLOR foreground] [parameter is PAR_STRING] [helpid is HELP_ID] [group is GROUP_NAME] [text is TEXT_STRING] [font FONT_NAME]
Define a pull-down choice item. [enabled|disabled] [checked] [static] choice CHOICE_NAME text CHOICE_TEXT [accelerator is [control|alt|shift [control|alt|shift] ...] ACCEL_KEY] [parameter is PAR_STRING] [helpid is HELP_ID] |
Group a number of objects under one identifier. class CLASS_NAME [is OBJECT_NAME1 [OBJECT_NAME2]...]
Define a combination box. [enabled|disabled] [visible|invisible] [[color] COLOR] [dropdown] combination box CB_NAME size WIDTH HEIGHT at [position] X Y in DB_NAME [parameter is PAR_STRING] [helpid is HELP_ID] [group is GROUP_NAME] [text size TEXT_LIMIT columns] [text EF_STRING] [font FONT_NAME] [sort{ascending|descending}] [[insert{LB_STRING | file ASCII_FILE_NAME}] ... ]
Define a constant. [integer|float|boolean|string] constant CON1 is VALUE [CON2 is VALUE] ...
Define a dialog box. [enabled|disabled] [visible|invisible] [[color] COLOR] [temporary|permanent] [modal|modeless] dialog box DB_NAME size WIDTH HEIGHT at [position] X Y [parameter is PAR_STRING] [[extended] helpid is HELP_ID] [[dialog] border] [title bar TITLE_STRING] [system menu]
Define a dialog region. [enabled|disabled] [visible|invisible] [[color] COLOR] [temporary|permanent] [primary] dialog region DR_NAME size XSIZE YSIZE at {default position|[position] X Y} [in PARENT_NAME1 [in PARENT_NAME2] ...] [priority is PRIORITY_NO] [parameter is PAR_STRING] [[extended] helpid is HELP_ID] [[size] border] [title bar TITLE_STRING] [system menu] [horizontal scroll bar [scroll by SCROLL_INC]] [vertical scroll bar [scroll by SCROLL_INC]] [action bar AB_NAME] [popup menu STANDALONE_PULLDOWN_NAME] [minimize button [using MINIMIZE_ICON_FILE]] [maximize button]
Define a drop-down list. [enabled|disabled] [visible|invisible] [[color] COLOR] dropdown list DL_NAME size WIDTH HEIGHT at [position] X Y in DB_NAME [parameter is PAR_STRING] [helpid is HELP_ID] [group is GROUP_NAME] [text size TEXT_LIMIT columns] [text FIELD_STRING] [font FONT_NAME] [sort {ascending|descending}] [[insert{LB_STRING|file ASCII_FILE_NAME}] ...]
Define an entry field. [enabled|disabled] [visible|invisible] [color] COLOR [password] [required] [autotab] entry field EF_NAME size WIDTH HEIGHT at [position] X Y in DB_NAME [parameter is PAR_STRING] [helpid is HELP_ID] [text size TEXT_LIMIT columns] [font FONT_NAME] [{left|right|[horizontal] center} align] [group is GROUP_NAME] [text TEXT_STRING] [validation is { sysdate [DATE_FORMAT [SEP] range LOWER UPPER [LOWER UPPER...]] | systime [TIME FORMAT [SEP] range LOWER UPPER [LOWER UPPER...]] |DATE_FORMAT[SEP] [range LOWER UPPER [LOWER UPPER...]] |TIME_FORMAT[SEP] [beforenoon STRING afternoon STRING] [range LOWER UPPER [LOWER UPPER...]] |mask MASK_FORMAT [range LOWER UPPER [LOWER UPPER...]] |floatonly [range LOWER UPPER [LOWER UPPER...]] |numberonly [range LOWER UPPER [LOWER UPPER...]] |range LOWER UPPER [LOWER UPPER...]}]
Define a font for later use with the font statement. font FONT_NAME is facename FACE_NAME {POINT_SIZE point|size XSIZE YSIZE} [bold] [italic] [under line] [strikeout]
Declare an external function. function FUNCT_NAME ( [ [small] TYPE:ARG1_NAME | [TYPE] reference:ARG1_NAME [, [small] TYPE:ARG2_NAME | [TYPE] reference:ARG2_NAME ]...] ) returns {boolean|string|[small] {integer|float}} [external name EXTERNAL_NAME] library LIB_NAME
Define a graphical region. [enabled|disabled] [visible|invisible] [[color] COLOR] [primary] graphical region GR_NAME size XSIZE YSIZE at {[position] X Y|default position} [in PARENT_NAME1 [in PARENT_NAME2] ... ] [window size WINDOW_XSIZE WINDOW_YSIZE at [position] WINDOW_X WINDOW_Y] [[color] COLOR foreground] [priority is PRIORITY_NO] [parameter is PAR_STRING] [[extended] helpid is HELP_ID] [[size|[color] COLOR] border] [title bar TITLE_STRING] [system menu] [horizontal scroll bar [scroll by SCROLL_INC] ] [vertical scroll bar [scroll by SCROLL_INC] ] [no scale] [action bar AB_NAME] [popup menu STANDALONE_PULLDOWN_NAME] [minimize button [using MINIMIZE_ICON_FILE] ] [maximize button] [pointer [is] POINTER_FILE] [DRAWING_STATEMENT] ...
Define a group box. [enabled|disabled] [visible|invisible] [[color] COLOR] group box GB_NAME size WIDTH HEIGHT at [position] X Y in DB_NAME [parameter is PAR_STRING] [helpid is HELP_ID] [text TEXT_STRING] [font FONT_NAME]
Specify a help library name and path. help library LIBRARY_NAME title ""
Define a portion of the screen to display images. [enabled|disabled] [visible|invisible] [[color] BCOLOR] [primary] image region IR_NAME size XSIZE YSIZE at {[position] X Y|default position} [in PARENT_NAME1 [in PARENT_NAME2] ...] [window size WINDOW_XSIZE WINDOW_YSIZE at [position] WINDOW_X WINDOW_Y] [[color] FCOLOR foreground] [priority is PRIORITY_NO] [parameter is PAR_STRING] [[extended] helpid is HELP_ID] [[size|[color] COLOR] border] [title bar TITLE_STRING] [system menu] [horizontal scroll bar [scroll by SCROLL_INC] ] [vertical scroll bar [scroll by SCROLL_INC] ] [no scale|sample|preserve {foreground|background}] [action bar AB_NAME] [popup menu STANDALONE_PULLDOWN_NAME] [minimize button [using MINIMIZE_ICON_FILE] ] [maximize button] [pointer [is] POINTER_FILE] [file FILE_NAME [using IMAGE_MAP] ]
Group a number of items under one identifier. item class ITEM_CLASS_NAME [is ITEM_NAME [from AB_NAME] ] ...
Define a key. [enabled|disabled] [visible|invisible] [[color] COLOR] key KEY_NAME at{[position] X Y|default position} [in PARENT_NAME1 [in PARENT_NAME2] ... ] [priority is PRIORITY_NO] [parameter is PAR_STRING] [helpid is HELP_ID] [DRAWING_STATEMENT] ...
Define a list box. [enabled|disabled] [visible|invisible] [[color] COLOR] [multiple selection] list box LB_NAME size WIDTH HEIGHT at [position] X Y in DB_NAME [parameter is PAR_STRING] [helpid is HELP_ID] [sort {ascending|descending}] [horizontal scroll bar] [group is GROUP_NAME] [font FONT_NAME] [insert {TEXT_STRING|file ASCII_FILE_NAME} ] ...
Reference a library module. module MODULE_NAME
Define a multiple-line entry field. [enabled|disabled] [visible|invisible] [[color] BG_COLOR ] multiline entry field MEF_NAME size WIDTH HEIGHT at [position] X Y in DB_NAME [[color] FG_COLOR foreground] [parameter is PAR_STRING] [helpid is HELP_ID] [group is GROUP_NAME] [text TEXT_STRING] [word wrap] [horizontal scroll bar] [vertical scroll bar] [font FONT_NAME] [ignore tab] [text [width XLIM] [height YLIM] ] [text size TEXT_LIMIT]
Define a group of drawing statements as a pattern. pattern PATTERN_NAME is [DRAWING_STATEMENT] ...
Change the precision for displaying floating point values. precision N
Define a pull-down item. [enabled|disabled] pulldown PD_NAME text PD_TEXT [parameter is PAR_STRING] [helpid is HELP_ID] [ITEM_DEF_OR_REF] ... end pulldown
Define a push button. [enabled|disabled] [visible|invisible] [cancel] [verify] [default] push button PB_NAME size WIDTH HEIGHT at [position] X Y in DB_NAME [parameter is PAR_STRING] [helpid is HELP_ID] [group is GROUP_NAME] [text TEXT_STRING] [font FONT_NAME]
Define a radio button. [enabled|disabled] [visible|invisible] [[color] COLOR] [checked] radio button RB_NAME size WIDTH HEIGHT at [position] X Y in DB_NAME [parameter is PAR_STRING] [helpid is HELP_ID] [group is GROUP_NAME] [text TEXT_STRING] [font FONT_NAME]
Define a record for use with the File I/O Library subroutines. record RECORD_NAME is [filler FILL_WIDTH] { VARIABLE_NAME VAR_WIDTH [, PREC] | VARIABLE_NAME[N1,...Nn] VAR_WIDTH [, PREC] | record PD_RECORD_NAME } [ filler FILL_WIDTH | VARIABLE_NAME VAR_WIDTH [, PREC] | VARIABLE_NAME[N1,...Nn] VAR_WIDTH [, PREC] | record PD_RECORD_NAME ]... end record
Declare the screen coordinates system. screen size {X Y|dialog units|device units}
Specify a text segment in a textual region. segment [column] COL_NO [line] LINE_NO [thru [column] COL_NO [line] LINE_NO]
Define a sense region. [enabled|disabled] [visible|invisible] sense region SR_NAME size XSIZE YSIZE at {[position] X Y|default position} [in PARENT_NAME1 [in PARENT_NAME2] ... ] [window size WINDOW_XSIZE WINDOW_YSIZE at [position] WINDOW_X WINDOW_Y] [priority is PRIORITY_NO] [parameter is PAR_STRING] [helpid is HELP_ID]
Define a pull-down separator item. separator [SEPARATOR_NAME]
Define a slider. [enabled|disabled] [visible|invisible] [editable|readonly] {horizontal|vertical} slider SLIDER_NAME size WIDTH HEIGHT at [position] X Y in DB_NAME [parameter is PAR_STRING] [helpid is HELP_ID] [group is GROUP_NAME] [{left|bottom|right|top} home] [{top|right|bottom|left} range is LOW HIGH] [insert ticks every TICK_OFFSET [from LOW_INCREMENT thru HIGH_INCREMENT] size TICK_SIZE
Define a spin button. [enabled|disabled] [visible|invisible] [editable|readonly] [[color] BG_COLOR] [numeric|alphanumeric] spin button SPINBUTTON_NAME size WIDTH HEIGHT at [position] X Y in DB_NAME [[color] FG_COLOR foreground] [parameter is PAR_STRING] [helpid is HELP_ID] [group is GROUP_NAME] [font FONT_NAME] [{left|center|right} align] [border|no border] [zero pad] [range is MIN_VAL MAX_VAL | insert VAL1 [VAL2 ...] | insert file FILENAME]
Define a static text object. [enabled|disabled] [visible|invisible] [[color] COLOR ] static text ST_NAME size WIDTH HEIGHT at [position] X Y in DB_NAME [parameter is PAR_STRING] [helpid is HELP_ID] [ {left|right|[horizontal] center} [align] {top|bottom|vertical center} align ] [word wrap] [text TEXT_STRING] [font FONT_NAME]
Link a stimulus name with a DLL. stimulus STIMULUS_NAME DLL_NAME
Declare a structure variable. [global] structure STRUCTDEF_NAME { NAME | NAME[N] | NAME[N1, N2, ...] | NAME[N thru N, N thru N ...] | NAME[N thru N] }
Define a named compound data type. structure STRUCT_NAME is {integer|float|string} { NAME | NAME[N] | NAME[N1, N2, ...] | NAME[N thru N, N thru N ...] | NAME[N thru N]} ... [ using {integer|float|string} [size N] [format STRING] [DLL_ENTRY] #OR# using external size N [format STRING] "DLLFILENAME.ROUTINENAME" ] end structure #OR# structure STRUCT_NAME is structure STRUCT_NAME1 { NAME | NAME[N] | NAME[N1, N2, ...] | NAME[N thru N, N thru N ...] | NAME[N thru N]} ... STRUCTURE_DEFINITION { NAME | NAME[N] | NAME[N1, N2, ...] | NAME[N thru N, N thru N ...] | NAME[N thru N]} ... end structure
Declare a subroutine. # For ESL Internal Subroutines: subroutine SUB_NAME ([ TYPE1:ARG1_NAME [,TYPE2:ARG2_NAME] ...]) # For External Subroutines: subroutine SUB_NAME ([TYPE1:ARG1_NAME [,TYPE2:ARG2_NAME]...]) [external name EXTERNAL_NAME] library LIB_NAME
Define an internal subroutine. subroutine SUB_NAME ([ TYPE1:ARG1_NAME [,TYPE2:ARG2_NAME] ...]) is [LOCAL_VAR] ... ACTION_STATEMENT [ACTION_STATEMENT] ... |
Define a table object. [enabled|disabled] [visible|invisible] [editable|readonly] [ [color] BG_COLOR] table TABLE_NAME size WIDTH HEIGHT at [position] X Y [in PARENT_NAME1 [in PARENT_NAME2] ...] [ [color] FG_COLOR foreground] [parameter is PAR_STRING] [helpid is HELP_ID] [font FONT_NAME] [horizontal scroll bar] [vertical scroll bar] [group is GROUP_NAME] [edit key [is] ACCEL_KEY] [column delimiter [is] {csv|tab|STRING} ] [row delimiter [is] RD_STRING] [column grid {visible|invisible}] [column headings [blank|letters|numbers|text|hide] ] [ [single|multiple|no] column selection] [ [not] resizeable [columns] ] [row grid {visible|invisible}] [row headings [blank|numbers|hide] [width is NUM]] [ [single|multiple|no] row selection] # COLUMN_DEFINITION [insert [visible|invisible] [editable|readonly] {integer|float|boolean|string} column [COL_NAME] [width is COL_WIDTH] [ [{after|before} column] COL_ID | at {beginning|end} ] [text size LENGTH] [parameter is PAR_STRING] [ [not] resizeable] [ [left|center|right] heading [ [is] HEADING_STRING] ] [{left|center|right} align] [format is FORMAT_STRING] ] # ROW_DEFINITION [insert row [{after|before} row ROW_ID | at {beginning|end} ] [{value|values} [column {COL_NAME|COL_POSITION} is] EXPRESSION [, [column {COL_NAME|COL_POSITION} is] EXPRESSION ] ... ] #OR# file FILENAME ]
Define a textual region. [enabled|disabled] [visible|invisible] [[color] COLOR] [primary] [colored] textual region TR_NAME {size XSIZE YSIZE|window size COLUMNS columns LINES lines} at {[position] X Y|default position} [ in PARENT_NAME1 [in PARENT_NAME2] ... ] [[color] COLOR foreground] [priority is PRIORITY_NO] [parameter is PAR_STRING] [helpid is HELP_ID] [[size| [color] COLOR] border] [title bar TITLE_STRING] [system menu] [horizontal scroll bar [scroll by SCROLL_INC] ] [vertical scroll bar [scroll by SCROLL_INC] ] [action bar AB_NAME] [popup menu STANDALONE_PULLDOWN_NAME] [minimize button [using MINIMIZE_ICON_FILE] ] [maximize button] [pointer [is] POINTER_FILE] [font FONT_NAME] [TEXT_DRAWING_STATEMENT] ...
Define a variable. [global] { integer|float|boolean|string} [variable] VAR1 [is VALUE1] [VAR2 [is VALUE2]]... |