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ESL Documentation

A drawing statement, or a series of drawing statements, describes the appearance of a key or a graphical region. The appearance of an object can be defined or changed in several places in the program. Drawing statements are valid in any of the following places in the program:


Object definitions. The initial appearance of an object is defined by the drawing statements that are specified in the contents of the object definition; for example:


invisible key Display at position 15 154

    box 90 22


Pattern definitions. A set of drawing statements that you might wish to repeat in several places in the program can be defined as a pattern; for example:


pattern Logo is

    draw 200 0

    draw 100 200


This pattern can then be used in a drawing statement in an object definition; for example:


key Corporate at position 10 35

    pattern Logo


Action statements within response definitions. You can add a new graphical object, or add to or replace the contents of an existing object, in an addadd to, or change graphics action statement; for example:


response to BlueKey

    add to RedKey

        draw 100 50


When BlueKey is selected, the draw statement is added to the contents of RedKey.