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ESL Documentation

The following code generates a compiler warning, since NewColumn is undefined at compile-time. It does not generate a runtime error because NewColumn is defined at runtime.


add table NewTable... 

add to NewTable

insert float column NewColumn... 

copy cell column NewColumn row 1 of



To correct this situation, the last line should read:


copy float cell column NewColumn row 1

of NewTable...


Conversely, the following will not generate a compiler warning, since Column_SV is a variable. However, it will generate a runtime error if Column_SV and/or Table_SV do not hold the name of an already existing column/table.


copy integer cell column Column_SV row 1

  of Table_SV...


The next example generates a compiler warning, since NewColumn is undefined. Furthermore,  it will generate a runtime error if NewColumn and/or NewTable are not the names of a dynamically created column and table.


copy integer cell column NewColumn row 1

  of NewTable...


Finally, this line will generate a compiler warning only if there is no column named "EmpName" in any defined table.


copy cell column EmpName row 1 of Table_SV...