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ESL Documentation


Define a multiple-line entry field.

[enabled|disabled] [visible|invisible] [[color] BG_COLOR ]

multiline entry field MEF_NAME

size WIDTH HEIGHT at [position] X Y in DB_NAME

[[color] FG_COLOR foreground]

[parameter is PAR_STRING]

[helpid is HELP_ID]

[group is GROUP_NAME]


[word wrap]

[horizontal scroll bar]

[vertical scroll bar]

[font FONT_NAME]

[ignore tab]

[text [width XLIM] [height YLIM] ]

[text size TEXT_LIMIT]

enabled | disabled

Define the multiple-line entry field as selectable or not. If you define the multiple-line entry field as disabled, it cannot be selected. The default is enabled.

visible | invisible

A visible object is displayed when it is defined. An invisible object is not displayed until you specifically make it visible. The default is visible.

color BG_COLOR

The background color for the entry field; the default is black.


The identifier for the entry field.


Integer values representing the dimensions of the entry field in dialog units.

at X Y

Integer values representing the position of the entry field in dialog units.


The identifier for the dialog box or dialog region parent object.

color FG_COLOR foreground

The foreground color for the entry field; the default is white.

parameter is PAR_STRING

A string value representing the parameter of the entry field. The default is "".

helpid is HELP_ID

A string or integer value representing the identifier of the help panel you want displayed when the user requests help for this region. This should match the help panel defined in the library specified by the help library declaration. The default HELP_ID is "".

group is GROUP_NAME

A string value identifying the group to which the entry field belongs.


A string value representing the initial value that the entry field will contain. The default TEXT_STRING is "".

word wrap

Automatically insert a newline when the end of the visible field is reached, unless horizontal scroll bar is specified.

horizontal scroll bar

Include a horizontal scroll bar in the entry field. The horizontal scroll bar disables word wrap.

vertical scroll bar

Include a vertical scroll bar in the entry field.


The name of the font in which you want the TEXT_STRING to appear. You may use either system or ESL fonts. (See the description of the font is Font Reference Definition.)

You cannot change the font of a control at runtime.

ignore tab

The entry field will ignore the Tab key. (This will allow the use of the Tab key to move to the next control in the dialog box, and is required by CUA (Common User Access) in a dialog box.)

text width XLIM

text height YLIM

Integer values representing the maximum horizontal and vertical text extent in pixels. By default, the maximum text extent is defined by the window size if the multiple-line entry field has no scroll bar. Otherwise, the text extent is unlimited.

text size TEXT_LIMIT

The maximum text length in bytes.


A multiple-line entry field is a dialog control and must have a dialog box or dialog region as its parent.

When the focus is on a multiple-line entry field, the Enter key does not generate the customary response to the default push button. Instead, the Enter key moves the cursor to a newline on the multiple-line entry field.


multiline entry field MessageText

size 150 80 at 25 10

vertical scroll bar

word wrap

See Also

entry field Definition