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ESL Documentation

Drawing Statement

Move the text and graphics cursors to a specified position.

For Graphical Objects:

move {[by] XOFFSET YOFFSET|to X Y}

For Textual Regions:

move {[by] COLUMNS [columns] LINES [lines]|

to [column] COL_NO [line] LINE_NO}


Integer values representing the number of coordinate positions to move in the X and Y directions. If you use negative values in textual regions, the resulting position must still be in the positive quadrant.

to X Y

Integer values representing absolute X and Y coordinate positions. For textual regions, the position must be non-negative.



Positive or negative integer values representing the number of columns and lines by which to move.


Positive integer values representing the column and line number to which to move.


For graphical objects, the move statement moves the graphics and text cursor to the specified position.

For textual regions, the move statement moves the text cursor to the specified position. Any position may be specified, whether text exists there or not. An error message will be generated if the result of a move [by] or move to statement for a textual region results in a zero or negative column or line number.

If you do not specify by or to, ESL uses the specification by.


textual region Writer

window size 60 columns 35 lines

at position 0 50

move 23 columns 40 lines


textual region Writer2

window size 10 columns 30 lines

at position 0 50

move to column 6 line 10


graphical region Holder

size 400 50 at position 10 10

move -5 25


graphical region Holder2

size 400 50 at position 10 10

move to 5 25


See Also

draw Drawing Statement