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ESL Documentation

Action Statement

Change the parameter of an object or item.

For Objects:


For Items:

make item {ITEM_NAME [from AB_NAME]|ITEM_CLASS_NAME} parameter PAR_STRING



The identifier for an object.


The identifier for a class of objects.


A string value representing the new parameter you want associated with the object.


The identifier for an item.

from AB_NAME

The identifier for an action bar template. You must specify the action bar name if more than one template contains an item of the given name. You cannot specify it if the item was defined outside of an action bar template.


The identifier for a class of items.


The parameter of an item is attached to, and is an attribute of, the action bar template or the standalone item template. If the parameter is changed within an action statement, it is changed in the template definition and everywhere it is referenced.

The maximum length of a parameter string is 256 characters for a literal string and 32,765 characters for a variable string.



response to Home

 make BlueKey parameter "Colored_Key"


response to Headquarters

 make RedItem in BlueItem parameter "Chicago"


response to Test

 make item File_Open from Master_ActionBar

 parameter "tempfile.eal"

See Also

parameter Response Inquiry Built-in Function

parameter is Attribute Definition

parameter of Object Inquiry Built-in Function