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make block and make segment COLOR

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Action Statement

Change the color of characters in a textual region.

make CTR_NAME {block|segment}

[column] COL_NO [line] LINE_NO

[thru [column] COL_NO [line] LINE_NO]

[foreground [color] COLOR] [background] [color] COLOR


The identifier for a colored textual region.

make block

Assign a color to a text block (see block Definition). To color two or more text blocks, write a series of make block statements.

make segment

Assign a color to a text segment (see segment Definition). To color two or more text segments, write a series of make segment statements.

column COL_NO

An integer value representing the column numbers of the first and last characters to be colored.

line LINE_NO

An integer value representing the line numbers of the first and last characters to be colored.

color COLOR

A string value, integer value, or color keyword representing the foreground or background color.


The make block and make segment action statements allow you to assign colors to individual characters, or groups of characters, in a colored textual region, but only when the colored textual region in the ESL program already contains the text to be colored.



response to Add2

 make CTRegion_A

 segment column 1 line 1

 foreground red

 background black


response to Hilite

 make Weather

 segment column 1 line 1 red


response to Hilite

 make News

 segment column 1 line 1 thru column 2 line 2

 foreground red blue


response to Hilite

 make Weather

 block column 5 line 60 thru column 5 line 80

 foreground color 18 color 24

See Also

block Definition

segment Definition