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ESL Documentation


Specify ancestry for an object.



The identifier for the object's parent and can itself specify ancestry.


The ancestry specification must appear within the object definition or reference.

The PARENT_NAME can be desktop, which refers to the Windows desktop.

The ancestry attribute determines whether the object is to be positioned within the coordinate system of another object, within the Windows desktop. If ancestry is specified, that object is called the child of the parent object.

The object's parent can be a graphical region, image region, dialog region, or dialog box. Any of these objects can have any number of children, but can have only one direct parent.

A dialog control must have a dialog region or dialog box as its parent.

If the parent object is disabled, its children are also implicitly disabled (in windowed applications only). If the parent is made invisible, its children are also implicitly made invisible. If the parent is deleted or cleared, its children are deleted, unless the clear graphics statement is used. Note that using the change statement also deletes the children, unless the change graphics statement is used.

Since two objects might have the same name, whenever you reference a child object, you must specify a name containing enough of the object's ancestry to distinguish it from other objects.

The primary window has the desktop as its parent. (This is the default and cannot be specified.)

The desktop cannot be the parent of the following objects: key, sense region, or dialog box control.

The following objects cannot be parents: key, textual region, sense region, or dialog controls.



disabled key Meter 

 at position 50 50 

 in PanelOne

 in Control


textual region PanelTwo 

 window size 10 columns 5 lines

 at position 100 100 

 in Control