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ESL Documentation

This option allows for saving the current SQL query or generating an ESL application for the SQL query which has been built in the construction dialog boxes.  

This option brings up the standard Windows Save As dialog box.  Specifiy a directory and a new file, or existing file name where you wish to have the SQL query or ESL application is saved.

If saving the query to a data file the query will be automatically named by the save operation..

Note: Before generating ESL code for a new application, create a directory to store the ESL application.

Enter a file name for the ESL include file which will store the code for the new SQL query, e.g., EMPLOYEE.INC.

A new file name must be used for each SQL query which is part of the same application.  If a file already exists with the name you entered, that file will be overwritten with the new SQL query.

The file name you enter is also used to name the menu choice in the ESL application's menu, e.g., EMPLOYEE.

Press the OK push button to start ESL code generation.

Code Generation

Saving a Project

Test SQL






ALT, G, C, Q

ALT, G, C, A




