subroutine CenterObject (string:ObjectName_SV,
integer:XScreenSize_IV, integer:YScreenSize_IV) is
change ObjectName_SV position to ((XScreenSize_IV - xsize of ObjectName_SV)/2)
((YScreenSize_IV - ysize of ObjectName_SV)/2)
integer Xsize_IV Ysize_IV
string Dialog_SV
class CenterDBClass is Dialog1_DB Dialog2_DB
response to start
copy ((xsize of Primary_GR) + (2* xposition of Primary_GR)) to Xsize_IV
copy ((ysize of Primary_GR) + (2* yposition of Primary_GR)) to Ysize_IV
for each member of CenterDBClass loop
copy member to Dialog_SV
make Dialog_SV permanent
call CenterObject(Dialog_SV, Xsize_IV, Ysize_IV)
make Dialog_SV temporary
end loop