The scaling mechanism for ESL Dialog Regions, Dialog Boxes and dialog controls is the -u run time parameter. The -u is followed by a character width and height.
If the -u is not specified, ESL defaults the -u setting to the average character width of the system font and the maximum height of the system font. ESL then calculates a horizontal and vertical dialog unit:
•horizontal dialog unit = 1/4 * average character width of the system font
•vertical dialog unit = 1/8 * maximum height of the system font
ESL uses the dialog unit setting for all dialog-related scaling. The -u setting is independent of screen size. Changing the -u does not affect the behavior of screen size dialog units. Here is the formula for calculating the -u parameter:
-u (development screen X size in pixels / deployment screen X size in pixels )
* (deployment X pixels of resolution / development X pixels of resolution)
* development system font character width
(development screen Y size in pixels / deployment screen Y size in pixels)
* (deployment Y pixels of resolution / development Y pixels of resolution)
* development system font character height
Note. The -u parameter needs to be calculated as a float value.