subroutine MemWarning() is
integer Icon_LIV
string Reply_LSV
copy (MemoryStatistics.Current_pool_size /
(MemoryStatistics.Max_pool_size / 100)) to Percentage_LIV
if (Percentage_LIV > 80) then
if (MemoryStatistics.Current_pool_size > MemCurrentSize) then
copy MemoryStatistics.Current_pool_size to MemCurrentSize
if (Percentage_LIV > 90) then
copy MessageCritical to Icon_LIV
copy "Memory is critically low.\n" Percentage_LIV "% of memory used\n"
"Please save your work and close the application." to Message_LSV
copy MessageWarning to Icon_LIV
copy "Memory is getting low.\n" Percentage_LIV "% of memory used" to Message_LSV
end if
copy ReplyToMessage("ESL Memory", Message_LSV, MessageOK, 1, Icon_LIV) to Reply_LSV
end if
end if