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ESL Documentation

The ESL Library contains the functions and subroutines shown in the following tables.

Be sure to include before using any of these.

See the individual subroutine or function descriptions in this manual for more information.

Function Name


EslCsvQuote( )

Quote a string for CSV formatting.

EslCsvUnQuote( )

Remove the CSV formatting for a string.

EslGetItemCount( )

Return the number of menu items defined.

EslNumColumns( )

Return the number of columns in a delimited string.

EslNumRows( )

Return the number of rows in a delimited string.

EslParseColumn( )

Parse the next column and return it as a string.

EslParseRow( )

Parse the next row and return it as a string.

EslQueryFocus( )

Return the name of the ESL object that currently has the keyboard input focus.

EslDlgToScreen( )

Converts a height and width from dialog units to screen pixels.

EslScreenToDlg( )

Converts a height and width from screen pixels to dialog units.

EslXstr( )

Get an external string by its numeric identifier.

EslXstrFromDLL( )

Get an external string from any DLL with string resources.

EslSetStringValue( )

Converts a 'C' formatted string into an Esl string.

EslPtrStrLen( )

Returns the length of a 'C' formatted string.

Subroutine Name


EslAnsiToOem( )

Convert a string from the ANSI-defined to the OEM-defined character set.

EslMemStat( )

Record a snap-shoot of the memory usage in the errorlog.

EslOemToAnsi( )

Convert a string from the OEM-defined to the ANSI-defined character set.

EslPoolCheck( )

Check the Main Program Memory Pool pointers for consistency.

EslXstrPreloadAllStrings( )

Load all external strings from the resource DLL before they are needed.

EslXstrResetAllStrings( )

Reset all external strings so they will be reread from the DLL next time they are used.

EslXstrSetPrimaryDLL( )

Change the primary external string DLL and reset all string constants.

EslXstrSetSecondaryDLL( )

Change the secondary external string DLL.