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ESL Documentation

Function Name


ASCII2Long( )

Convert the first character of string to ASCII value.

BinaryToHex( )

Convert Hexadecimal string to binary equivalent.

BooleanToStringFunction( )

Return a string, given a boolean value.

ConvertNewLine( )

Convert old style line breaks to Windows Standard.

DecodeString( )

Change escape sequences within a string to the associated special character.

EncodeString( )

Change special characters within a string to escape sequences.

HexToBinary( )

Convert binary array to a Hexadecimal string.

IsAlphaFunction( )

Return whether the characters in a string are alphabetic.

IsAlphaNumericFunction( )

Return whether the characters in a string are alphanumeric.

IsAlphaNumericOrPuncFunction( )

Return whether the characters in a string are alphanumeric or punctuation marks.

IsAlphaOrPuncFunction( )

Return whether the characters in a string are alphabetic characters or punctuation marks.

IsASCIIFunction( )

Return whether the characters in a string are ASCII characters.

IsDigitFunction( )

Return whether the characters in a string are integers.

IsDigitOrPuncFunction( )

Return whether the characters in a string are digits or punctuation marks.

Long2ASCII( )

Create a character from the ASCII value.

PadStringFunction( )

Add characters to the front or rear of a string.

ReverseStringFunction( )

Reverse the order of characters in a string.

SearchStringFunction( )

Return whether one string is contained in another.

StringCompareFunction( )

Compare two strings to determine whether they are equal.

StripCarriageReturns( )

Remove carriage return characters from a string.

StripToFloatFunction( )

Return a numeric string as a float.

StripToIntegerFunction( )

Return a numeric string as an integer.

Substitute1( ) to Substitute9( )

Substitute string arguments into a single string.

SubStringFunction( )

Extract characters from a string.

ToLowerFunction( )

Convert the characters in a string to lowercase.

ToUpperFunction( )

Convert a string to uppercase.

TrimEndsFunction( )

Remove the leading and trailing blanks from a string.