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ESL Documentation

ESL has an API that allows you to manipulate ESL string variables in C DLL routines. You must include ESLLIB.H in your source code to provide access to this API.


When using any of the functions prototyped in ESLLIB.H, you must link using ESLLIB.LIB. The following table lists the string manipulation commands in the ESL API:







Allocates and initializes an ESL string variable.

To convert a C string to an ESL string before returning it to ESL.


Translates an ESL string variable into a pointer to a (NULL terminated) string of characters

To get a pointer to

an ESL string variable. (Do not use this pointer to modify the contents of a string.)


Copies characters from an ESL string variable into the specified buffer

To copy the contents of an ESL string variable to a local buffer.


Copies count characters from the specified buffer into an ESL string variable.

To copy characters into an ESL string variable.


Sets an ESL string variable target_esl_string to ESL string variable source_esl_string

To copy an ESL string variable into another ESL variable directly.