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ESL Documentation

subroutine OS_SelectAll(string: Field_Name)


Selects all the text in the named entry field.



subroutine OS_SelectRange(string: Field_Name,

                          integer: Start_Position, integer: Length)


Selects a sub-string within the named entry field.

Start_Position must be >= 1

(Start_Position + Length) must be <= (length of text in field +1)



subroutine OS_SetCursor(string: Field_Name, integer: Char_Position)


Puts the cursor before char Char_Position in the named entry field.

Char_Position must be >= 1 and <= (length of text in field)


subroutine OS_GetSelection(string:  Field_Name,

                           integer: StartPos, integer: EndPos)

Returns the character positions of the first and last selected character in the named entry field.



subroutine OS_GetSelectedText(string:  Field_Name, string: Selected_Text)


Returns the currently selected text (may be "") in the named entry field.