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ESL Documentation

Action Statement

Add emphasis to a text segment in a textual region.

emphasize segment [column] COL1_NO [ line] line1_NO

[thru [column] COL2_NO [ line] + line2ok+_NO] in TR_NAME

column COL1_NO

column COL2_NO

Integer values representing the first and last columns of characters you want emphasized.

line line1_NO

line + line2ok+_NO

Integer values representing the first and last lines of characters you want emphasized.


The identifier for a textual region.


Use this statement only with textual regions. You cannot use it for a class of textual regions, or for any text block.

Text is emphasized by reversing the foreground and background colors.

Any textual region can have only one segment of emphasized text at any one time. When a second emphasize statement is executed for that textual region, the first segment is deemphasized.

The emphasize statement affects only the appearance of text as it is displayed in the textual region. The internally stored background and foreground color attributes of the characters are not changed.

If you provide only one set of column and line numbers, the segment emphasized will be one character position.



response to Selected_MC

 emphasize segment column 3 line 1

 thru column 3 line 5 in RegionB_TR


response to Selected_MC

 emphasize segment 4 3 in Blackboard_GR

See Also

deemphasize Action Statement

segment Definition