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ESL Documentation

So far, this section has described how to define the action bar items:  pull-downs, choices, separators, and buttons. When defining an action bar template, a list of pull-downs is specified, followed by a list of buttons. Each pull-down template contains a list of choices and separators. There are two ways to specify each item in an action bar template: by definition and by reference.


The choices and separators in the pull-down template in Defining Pull-downs are specified by definition, that is, their definitions appear within the template, as shown in the example.


Items can also be included in an action bar template by reference. These items are defined globally - outside the action bar template - and then referenced within the template. Globally defined pull-downs and buttons can be referenced in any number of action bar templates. Globally defined choices and separators can be referenced in any number of pull-down templates.


All global items are referenced using the item reference keyword. For example, the HelpButton in Defining Buttons could have been defined outside the action bar template, and then referenced within it:


button HelpButton text "F1 = Help" accelerator is KEY_F1

action bar MainMenu is


    item HelpButton end action bar


Only global items can be referenced in action bar templates this way; items that are defined inside templates cannot be used elsewhere.