Invoked in:
Client or Server
Message from Partner:
WM_DDE_ACK message with the DDE_FACK status bit cleared
This event is invoked in a client or a server when a negative acknowledgment has been received from the partner. Some applications may want to retry the request that resulted in the negative acknowledgment using a different format.
In ESL, some partner applications set the status flag to DDE_FBUSY (the partner rejected the request because it was busy). You may want your application to query this status flag.
DDEGetItemName, DDEGetStatus, and DDEGetPrivateStatus are not available if DDE_NACK is in response to DDE_EXECUTE.
Available Queries:
Default Processing
The DDE DLL performs no default processing for this event.
response to stimulus DDE DDE_NACK
copy false to HotLinkOK_BV