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ESL Documentation

You can specify a color for each line drawn. If you do not specify a color, ESL draws the line in the foreground color of the graphical object that you are defining. When you specify a color in the draw statement, this color overrides any other color specifications that might affect the color of the line.


For example:


red key Button at position 50 50 in Panel

    draw 100 100

    move to (xmiddle of Button) (ymiddle of Button)

    blue circle radius 10


Here, the line drawn to position 100 100 does not have a specified color, so ESL draws it in red, the foreground color of Button. But the color specification for the circle overrides the foreground color so ESL draws the circle in blue.


You can specify a string or integer value in place of the color name; for example:


color ColorA draw to 25 25, 50 50


Both of these lines are drawn in the color stored in the variable (or constant), ColorA.